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Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.

John 14:1-4

Image by Mayron Oliveira



The end of a life is the start of a new beginning, for those left behind and those who have passed away. A time to reflect, a time to grieve, a time to find hope and a time to remember. We can help to support you at this time, both spiritually and practically.

The Funeral


The message at all Church of England funerals, whether it be at one of our churches or at the crematorium, is one of hope. Although there is sadness because someone you know and love has died there will also be a message of hope in life after death. Hope is not just for the person who has died, it’s for the people who remain behind. It gives us something to hold on to.


We will always be available to help you through this most difficult of times by helping with arranging the funeral though to giving support before, during and after the service, for as long as it’s needed.


The service, wherever it takes place, will be very personal and you and any other family members and friends will be able to plan and contribute to the service. You will be able to choose music and discuss every aspect of the service with the minister who will be conducting it.




Both our churches have open churchyards, beautiful and restful places where loved ones can be laid to rest, and at All Hallows we have a Book of Remembrance in the church where the names of those no longer with us can be recorded.


Every year we hold an annual memorial service at All Hallows. This service gives us an opportunity to remember those who have died before God and to light a candle in their memory. Everyone is welcome to come to this service whenever, or wherever, your loved one died and, if you would like someone to be remembered by name during this ceremony, please let us know.


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