Book Reviews
Here you will find the thoughts about and reactions to, some of the books that are available in our two churches, from local residents. If you would like to review one of the books on our list and make it public please send it to
These reviews are published anonymously but we do included first names, where provided.
Living the Lord’s Prayer
Archbishop Rowan and Sister Wendy Beckett, compiled by Su Box
I found this book has made me look at The Lord’s Prayer through refreshed eyes. This most well-known prayer had become habitual and, I admit, I would often recite it without really thinking about it’s meaning. However, in this book each phrase is unpicked/explored by Archbishop Williams and Sister Beckett which then, in turn, makes the reader think more deeply about it.
Although it is not a big book, it is not to be rushed! I actually took a few days to reflect upon each phrase which had been focused upon in the book; I found this really focused the mind and has helped me in my daily prayers.
I would definitely recommend this to people not only at the start of their faith journey, but even more so to those who have been praying to God using this most beloved prayer all of their lives: it just might surprise you!
God Doesn’t Do Waste
Dave Bookless
The writer found himself challenged by God about his attitude towards the environment which led to major changes in his lifestyle and eventually to his full-time involvement in the global A Rocha movement.
My main take out from the book is how it demonstrates the connection between the Christian way of living and our care of all that has been created in the world. It illustrates how Dave’s family try to live more sustainably and emphasises that we have been given just one earth and we should treat it right and avoid waste.
I am acutely aware of how much unnecessary waste goes on in everyday life which cannot possibly be maintained, and it gives me great satisfaction when I can reuse and/or recycle any everyday item.
The author highlights our misuse of the earth’s resources and the injustice of overconsumption. I can relate directly to this, as I have become increasingly aware of the damage mankind is doing to our planet.
I have a particular local interest in nature through my involvement with the East Keswick Wildlife Trust, and the important conservation work it does. Over the years it has helped increase my awareness of the problems facing wildlife due to loss of habitats and increasing lack of biodiversity which makes me more determined to educate people that, wherever possible, we have a duty to protect all that has been created.
The Life You've Always Wanted
John Ortberg
The World Is On Fire But Were Still Buying Shoes
Alec Leach
Who can resist the title? I bought the book and wasn't sure about what I'd think. However, I really enjoyed it. We all need to consider the power of consumerism and our own relationship to it. It's an easy read, pulling out the various strands of the complex issue of fashion and sustainability. "We don't need a few people to be perfect, we need millions of people to be better." Enjoy.