For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have.
Balancing the books
Managing the finances of a church is not that different to managing our own finances at home, just on a rather different scale, for most of us anyway, and in the case of this parish we have more than one home.
We have regular bills to pay, materials to buy, buildings to maintain and grounds to care for. Our churches have seen many years go by and sometimes they can show their age - leaky roofs are not uncommon!
In order to keep our churches at the centre of village life, with safe, secure buildings and warm welcoming communities, which support village life and the wider church, we need to maintain a regular income to ensure we can pay the bills and fix those leaks. That means relying on the generosity of people from our congregations, village communities and often further afield, to give what they can, when they can.
There are a number of ways to give financial support to our churches, to suit you and your circumstances. If you are a UK tax payer you can increase the amount you give by using a recognised gift aid scheme. This allows us to reclaim an extra 25% of the money you give from HM Revenue and Customs, without you doing anything.
We welcome regular planned giving, as this allows us to budget for the longer term, knowing how much income we are likely to receive over the year.
The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is our preferred way to receive donations, whether regular or one-off, as it manages all the administration on our behalf and also claims Gift Aid, where applicable. It is a registered, not for profit, charity and makes no charge for this service. You can find out more about the scheme in this leaflet.
If you would prefer not to use the Parish Giving Scheme you can also make a donation using one of these other options.
Putting money in the Sunday collection is a very traditional and cherished practice for many but recent events mean there have been no opportunities for this.
​Whilst cash donations are still very welcome we would prefer alternative ways of giving to be considered, at this time. We now have card readers available in our churches, to take contactless or chip & PIN card donations.
Standing orders are a simple, convenient and secure way of giving, which do not rely on you having cash available in your pocket, or being physically present in church. They can be set monthly, quarterly or yearly, although we would prefer to avoid monthly payments if we can, to minimise our bank charges.
If you want to give occasionally, when the time suits you, then one-off BACS transfers may be more appropriate.
What next?
If you would like to start giving regularly or increase your giving please complete and submit a response form. Alternatively collect one from the back of the church and send it to the Parish Office.
If you are a tax payer please also download and complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form and send it to the Parish Office or hand to a steward at the end of a church service.
If you would like more information about any of the above ways of giving financially to the work of our churches, or you would like to start giving, please contact the Parish Office or Stephen Scales our Stewardship Officer.
Details for Payments
Should be made payable to Bardsey with East Keswick PCC
The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Bardsey
Barclays Bank
All Hallows Church
Account Name: Bardsey with East Keswick Parochial Church Council - All Hallows Account
Sort Code: 20-37-13
Account Number: 30148512
Saint Mary Magdalene Church
Account Name: Bardsey with East Keswick Parochial Church Council - St Mary Magdalene Account
Sort Code: 20-37-13
Account Number: 30148520
Note: we are experiencing some problems with the bank account name at the moment which can cause problems setting up a standing order using online banking. If the account name is not recognised please say yes when prompted to 'continue anyway'. We are endeavouring to rectify this problem.