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Lord our God, all this abundance that we have provided for building you a temple for your Holy Name comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to you. 


1 Chronicles 29:16

A Gift in your will


Once you have made provision for your loved ones, you might like to consider leaving a gift to God, towards the work of the Church.


A gift in your will is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can continue to support its mission and ministry within our community. It can be an expression of your gratitude and thanksgiving towards God, as well as providing the help needed to keep our local churches alive and transforming their future.


As Christians we see ourselves as God’s stewards, entrusted to use His gifts to us for the good of our family and our Church family. Please consider how a gift in your will could help the Church meet the needs of future generations.

old couple

Make a difference


A gift from your estate can be used to support the everyday running of our churches, or if you wish your legacy can be used for a special project or area of work to make a difference, such as supporting our ministry to young people, refurbishing the kitchen, helping to preserve the organ or buying new hymn books.

Signing a Contract
Entrance to the Glade

Make a will


Making a will and updating it regularly is the only way to make sure your wishes are carried out after your death, giving peace of mind that you can continue to support the family, friends and causes you love.


You are strongly advised to seek a solicitor when making or revising your will.

Past legacy projects


Past legacies have helped us to created the Glade, at All Hallows and ensure the continued maintenance of the churchyard at Saint Mary Magdalene, as well as maintaining the fabric of both our churches.


Your legacy could be used in a similar way or for a purpose of your choosing.

It is worth noting that all charitable gifts, including gifts in wills to the Church are exempt of inheritance tax.

Suggested wording for your will



I give [%] of my estate free of all taxes to the Parochial Church Council of the Parish of Bardsey with East Keswick (registered charity number 24539), in the Diocese of Leeds for its *general purposes, and I declare that the receipt of an officer of the Parochial Church Council shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors and trustees.




I give the sum of [x] pounds only, free of all taxes to the Parochial Church Council of the Parish of Bardsey with East Keswick (registered charity number 24539), in the Diocese of Leeds, for its *general purposes, and I declare that the receipt of an officer of the Parochial Church Council shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors and trustees.


*Replace general purposes with any specific project or area of work that you would like your legacy to be used for.

Old and Young

Generous God,

you have given me so much. In response to all your blessings, I pray for grace to continue to be a means of blessing in the lives of others. Grant me the wisdom and generosity of your Spirit to make appropriate provision for those I love and care for, and gifts of thanksgiving to the causes and concerns you led me to care about. Amen

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