"When I have learnt to love God better than my earthly dearest, I shall love my earthly dearest better than I do now."
C S Lewis
First Steps
If you are engaged and want to be married, then congratulations! If you’re thinking about getting married in church, we would advise you to contact the Parish Office in the first instance. We will then arrange a meeting to chat through what it means to get married in church, the Christian significance of marriage, and the benefits of God’s blessing on your special day.
You can also start to consider what married life might look like and how to prepare for living shared lives.
Make a booking
After your booking is confirmed you will be supplied with a number of leaflets giving details on wedding arrangements, including the order of service, flowers, music, readings and photography. Whilst we allow cameras and filming during the ceremony this must be carried out discreetly, without extra lighting or flash.
Please also remember the law of copyright when making your plans and the limitations they impose if you are reproducing certain hymns in your service sheets or video music. We will be able to help you here.
You will have a lot of questions as you prepare, so please do keep in touch and ask away. For example, you may want know if someone else take part in the service - the answer is yes. Whilst the minister conducting the service must do the legal parts, we encourage family and friends to take part at other times, perhaps with the readings or to help with the music.
The Banns of Marriage
The Banns are a legal requirement enabling you to be married in church. They will be read in the church in which you are to marry. You are not required to be present when your Banns are read but most couples come at least once. If one, or both of you, currently lives outside the Parish you will also need to arrange for Banns to be read in your parish of residence and obtain a Banns certificate from the local vicar. Without this certificate your marriage cannot take place.
The Wedding Day
We hope that you have a beautiful and memorable wedding day and a very happy future together. We would love to hear from you after the event, especially if there are things you think we could improve, or if there was something that was especially nice!
Rebecca and Chris's Big Day